Frequently asked questions

  • Grown veg is very different to shop bought veg. To ensure a good variety of beautiful seasonal veg we need to carefully monitor when we sow, water, weed, tend to and harvest the veg so you get the best veg grown in the most planet friendly manner. By signing up to a whole season we can spend all our time on the growing and minimum time on admin giving you the best quality food and us the best chance of caring for our land this year and into the future.

  • You can ask for some substitutions.

  • You can double up another time when you need more food. Donate it to a neighbour or friend maybe who is watching your house, feeding your cat etc.. or you can ask us to donate it to a person in need.

  • No please just advise us where you would like it left. Best to leave it somewhere cool and covered or leave out a cool box to pop it in during the hotter months.

  • We keep you up to date on our social media channels of what veg is coming into season but expect a good variety of veg in each box including legumes, roots and leaves.

  • We know that sometimes things change for people. We ask if you can give us a month’s notice if you need to leave so will can let someone else fill your slot.

  • We try to post up ideas for using veg where we can on our social media and love it when our customers tell us too. We also recommend suggestions looking at much bigger veg box places such as Riverford or community initiatives such as local greens or better food traders all of which offer great ideas for veg use.

  • Please get in touch as we travel a lot through Aberdeenshire so might be able to deliver. If not we are part of a the local market gardeners network and so maybe able to put you in touch with a friendly grower closer to you.

If you have any more questions, please contact us!