Our Farm

Our Ethics

to treat land as if it is valuable to us but also to all the ecosystem it sustains.

Nature friendly

growing food slowly, harvesting just prior to a local delivery

Healthy / good food

share skills and knowledge around food growing and to provide opportunities for employment and training in small scale food production.


people have the right to good food

Food access

a viable model for agroecoloical farming which benefits people, planet and producer.


importance of getting food in the right season for reducing the impact of food  production on climate change


About the Farm

The farm was established in 2018 inside a maturing woodland near Hatton of Fintray.

What we have done so far:

Built a one hectare market garden including 3 caterpillar tunnels and a polytunnel

Constructed a large wooden barn to blend into the surrounding woodland and to provide space  for packing of produce for direct sale

Planted over 2000 trees and 1000m of hedge row to add the the diversity, shelter and food for  wildlife and stop soil erosion.

Raised rare breed pigs to help improve the soil and act as biological tractor to encourage field  diversity

A renewable energy system and water supply designed to reduce the carbon footprint of the  farm and to reduce the use of fossil fuels to produce food

Provided food to over 60 families each year.

Our farming methods

  • We grow a diverse range of over 50 vegetables using organic principles.

  • We build fertility of our  soils by using low till methods, ensuring strong microbial and biological interactions with our  plants and using only manure free of pesticides.

  • We buy seed from organic uk suppliers,  hermitage seed companies or through our own seed saving practices.

  • We believe passionately in  the right of people to fresh fairly priced food produced locally and seasonally so we aim all our  growing, harvesting and selling practices towards this aim.

  • Our pigs are allowed to live outdoors all year round with a comfy hut for shelter.

  • They are able to browse an increasingly diverse range of flora provided by our soil improvement strategies.

  • They work hard to help fertilize and aerate the soils, reducing the need for mechanical tillage which would compact our soils.

From local people, handpicked and packed with care.
Choose from our many options and order your healthy veg box today.

Delicious veg boxes to your doorstep

Our customers said

“Our first time using your veg box scheme and it’s excellent - you just can’t beat fresh veg”


“Had the tastiest kale ever tonight… forget the bags of old stuff from the supermarket and get this. Thank you reminds me of how fresh vegetables should taste.”


“The carrots are so carroty”
