Our produce

Taste our delicious products, with a free delivery!

Which box type are you interested in?

Veg Boxes

Choose between our Large and Small Veg boxes with weekly or fortnightly delivery!Currently out season until May 2024.

Pork Boxes

Inquire about our available Pork boxes!

Free delivery

We deliver our boxes for free in our delivery zone.
If you don’t live in the delivery zone, but want to order veg boxes, please contact us.

Our delivery dates:

From Fintray into Aberdeen and around Aberdeen

From Fintray to Crathie in Deeside

From Fintray to Pitmedden, Early Evening Fintray to Aberdeen

About CSA

We sell our vegetables through a Community Supported Agriculture Scheme or CSA scheme.

  • When you belong to a CSA you pledge your support to a local grower for a season in exchange for a guaranteed supply of fresh produce from that grower.

  • We have all seen the headlines about food shortages and empty shelves, are aware of the increasing food costs and the impact that industrial agriculture and unfair trading practices are having on the planet and poorer countries. CSA helps to maintain a secure local food supply as it allows growers to concentrate on producing a variety of local seasonal vegetables that can be distributed directly to the community. It rules out long supply chains, expensive wholesalers or price manipulation by supermarkets.

    Food price inflation is reduced as growers can set the price at the start of the year and hold it steady through the commitment of their community while also focusing on improving the land throughout the year to allow the price to say as steady as possible into the next season. CSAs are good for local communities as they reconnect people to the food they eat, give them more economic control and make them more resilient. They ensure growers have a guaranteed income which frees up time and money to allow them to concentrate on growing food in a way that prioritises good soil health and habitat restoration therefore mitigating the effects of climate change.

  • • You join for the whole growing season which runs from June until February

    • You can choose a large or a small box. Weekly or fortnightly

    • Small boxes tend to contain 5-7 varieties of veg in amounts for a single person, couple or a family that are small veg eaters. Larger boxes suit larger veg eaters and larger families and contain 7-9 varieties.

    • Each box contains a variety of seasonal veg e.g leaves, roots, brassicas, beans, alliums.

    • All boxes are harvested fresh for delivery

    • Due to the way the climate here works early boxes can be smaller but are made up by larger boxes in the main growing season.

    • Some substations can be made if there are certain veg that you do not like or cannot digest.

    • Throughout the season the farm grows around 50 varieties of vegetables.