Our Pork Boxes

Our pork boxes are only available at certain times of the year. Submit our form to register your interest in the pork boxes, so we can contact you when they are available for purchase! These are not subscriptions but a one off purchase.

Large Pork Box - around 20 kg of meat for £160

Small Pork Box - around 10 kg of meat for £85

All meat is from our farm, vacuum packed and labelled ready to go in your freezer.

The larger box will typically have Sausages 400g pk x 6, burgers 600g pk x 6, lean mince x 2 Kg, 4 joints, Ribs/Belly/shoulder/Gigot and diced pork 2 kg.

The smaller box typically contains sausages 400g pk x 3, burgers 600g pk x 3, lean mince. x 1kg, 2 joints Shoulder/Gigot or Belly, diced pork 1Kg .

Inquire about our pork boxes

Send us your contact information, and we will get in touch with you when the pork boxes become available!

How ordering and delivery works?

Browse our boxes and find the size that’s best for you!

Choose your box

Fill out our ordering form with your details, and we will get back to you shortly with the payment details.

Send your order

We will carefully prepare and deliver your order. To allow maximum efficiency, your order will arrive on the same day at the same time.

We prepare and deliver